On Fortitude


Daily writing promptWhat's one small improvement you can make in your life?View all responses The Best Way to move forward is by constantly reaffirming your life goals and the judicious and constantly renewed repetition of the right actions towards achieving them. One must strive to be resilient, hard on oneself, and set in one's good … Continue reading On Fortitude

On Intoxication

What public figure do you disagree with the most? What kind of a prompt is this? Is WordPress the tool of the establishment? Is it trying to mine people for information? I fear that the Internet has become to Information what Hell is to Purgatory: a place where knowledge goes to die. Beware of hidden … Continue reading On Intoxication

The Absconding Freedom


Do you vote in political elections? No. Almost never. Why would I? To choose from two or more political candidates vetted by an establishment that has nothing in common with any of us?! It would be crazy. No way. So many people continue to act on the delusion that their choice really makes a difference. … Continue reading The Absconding Freedom

On Robber Barons


Funny thing how the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Let’s consider knighthood, for instance. It all started like this, which was the ideal of the valiant knight who would sacrifice his own life to protect and succour the weak, the feeble, women and children, in short those who couldn’t protect themselves. Modelled … Continue reading On Robber Barons

Knowledge and Determination

What gives you direction in life? “Dear Lord, Give me the knowledge to find my way in Life and the determination to hold the course!“ If ever was someone or something that could provide me with the free will to find meaning and a reason for my existence that would be the Creator. Don’t get … Continue reading Knowledge and Determination

A Disputation


Antisemitism does have a silver lining, just not for the Jewish people. Life is Sardonic, eh! Turns out a good deed doesn’t earn you another. For if this were true, Jews would be celebrated as the saviors of Poland from the Black Death. Instead, they became the scapegoats of a 2,000-year long blood libel that unjustly marked them as deicides in Christendom. If you want to know more about the motives behind this, step right in.

A Risky Proposition


Describe a risk you took that you do not regret. One of the major risks I ever took was when I decided to just pack up and hit the Road towards the New World. Things have panned out well. Of course it took loads of hard work, hard fighting and hard riding. But after some … Continue reading A Risky Proposition

On New Beginnings

I was watching this TV show, The Expanse, on Amazon Prime, the other day. It was this scene on top of a Baltimore sky-rise after a cataclysm had flooded it in a radical future that got me thinking. In it, Amos is trying to convince his former partner in crime to leave Earth behind and … Continue reading On New Beginnings

On Indecision

Daily writing promptWrite about a time when you didn't take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?View all responses Indecision is unmanly. It is the apanage, the remit of eunuchs and the timid. Nobody says that decisions must always be made on the fly. No, no, no. Careful, considered and pregnant reflection … Continue reading On Indecision