On New Beginnings

I was watching this TV show, The Expanse, on Amazon Prime, the other day. It was this scene on top of a Baltimore sky-rise after a cataclysm had flooded it in a radical future that got me thinking. In it, Amos is trying to convince his former partner in crime to leave Earth behind and … Continue reading On New Beginnings

On Corruption


People like their comforts. I get it. People enjoy technology. They think it helps them live better lives. False. Technology makes people needy. They need, nay, crave comfort. That’s where Government steps in. They provide the comfort People pay for. That’s how Government controls the People. They lose their Freedom. But, hey as long as they have wi-fi, it’s all good, right! That’s how Corruption works.

The Liberty Illusion


The West is in free fall. The rot is everywhere. Our amorality has destroyed us. Because we ourselves are cowards, we detest courage in others. If we are lucky, it will be a quick decay into a state of confusion. If not, this living corpse will take a long time to expire. Optimism is cowardice. We are wanton optimists. Shame on us!

Principles versus Rules

Principles make the world a moral one. Rules make it wild. C’est les cages qui rendent les hommes sauvages. If you want to know more, step right in, folks!

On Free Will

If you believe in the No pain, no gain adage, then you must make a choice. Do you want to live a life free from pain? If so, you chose the yoke of Comfort. If you want to retain agency in your life, then you have chosen wisely. You chose Painful Freedom.

On Moral Hypocrisy

Moral hypocrisy is a fixture of the human species. We are naturally born hypocrites. The whole lot of us. And we keep making the same mistake of assuming that Justice can be achieved Peacefully. Justice is not an act of Peace but of War. Justice is all about making War on Injustice.

Writing is Cathartic

Hari Seldon may have predicted the fall of the Galactic Empire but his greatest achievement was not this. His greatest feat was working towards rejuvenating the Life of the decaying Empire. Most prophesies, my friends, are self-fulfilling. And writing is the best way to prophesize what is to come.