On New Beginnings

I was watching this TV show, The Expanse, on Amazon Prime, the other day. It was this scene on top of a Baltimore sky-rise after a cataclysm had flooded it in a radical future that got me thinking. In it, Amos is trying to convince his former partner in crime to leave Earth behind and … Continue reading On New Beginnings

On Corruption


People like their comforts. I get it. People enjoy technology. They think it helps them live better lives. False. Technology makes people needy. They need, nay, crave comfort. That’s where Government steps in. They provide the comfort People pay for. That’s how Government controls the People. They lose their Freedom. But, hey as long as they have wi-fi, it’s all good, right! That’s how Corruption works.

Rights of Man – An Appeal to Heaven

Thomas Paine was one of the most lucid and far seeing thinker and Founding Father of the American Revolution, and of the English Enlightenment. One of his works of note, the Rights of Man, prefaced and in many ways accompanied both the Revolutionary War as well as the French Revolution. The Year was 1789. The … Continue reading Rights of Man – An Appeal to Heaven

On Free Will

If you believe in the No pain, no gain adage, then you must make a choice. Do you want to live a life free from pain? If so, you chose the yoke of Comfort. If you want to retain agency in your life, then you have chosen wisely. You chose Painful Freedom.

The Desire to be Free

Freedom is not just a state of mind. Freedom is a stage in life. It is both a sign of maturity and mental development. Babies are wards of their parents. And most people are wards of the State. A few People are Free.

The ecstasy of culling the herd – How Hashish is good and Guns are bad

Drugs are good. Guns are bad. Unless they are government guns. Those are good. Life is Manichean. Things can be both good and evil. Banning something is never good. It ignores this simple fact of life to our own peril.

Our lives are in constant and immediate danger

I was watching Dexter and a thought occurred to me. I realized that one must be very careful if they want to die of old age in this wicked world of ours. At any point, a disturbed person, a thief, rapist or murderer may be lurking in the shadows or in the sunlight, without us … Continue reading Our lives are in constant and immediate danger

The Power of Martyrdom

What would you fight and die for? Where is your line in the sand? Like ancient Christian martyrs, each of us is endowed with Free Will. But unlike them we are Afraid to use our faculties and stand for something. History often teaches us a Lesson. It speaks volumes . But we seldom listen. Perhaps we need to start listening...

The Cold War – Chapter 1: The Berlin Wall

East and West German police faceoff before the Wall went up. The Berlin Wall effectively separated the two German states between August 1961 and November 1989. The Soviets did not lose the Cold War in 1989, in 1990 or even in 1991. They lost the war on 13 August 1961. That was the day when … Continue reading The Cold War – Chapter 1: The Berlin Wall