Cedant Arma Togae


Is the Pen mightier than the Sword? We all must decide for ourselves. I know I did. Perhaps we need both. The French Ancien Regime believed that. They retained both the noblesse d'épée as well as the noblesse de lettres, de robe.

Life is an Illusion – In Media Vita In Morte Sumus


We are Custodians of the Present. Our lives do not belong to us alone. We are beholden to our Parents and Children. Where we come from and what we leave behind is what the Future will remember. Our Fear of Death Mars our Life.

The Liberty Illusion


The West is in free fall. The rot is everywhere. Our amorality has destroyed us. Because we ourselves are cowards, we detest courage in others. If we are lucky, it will be a quick decay into a state of confusion. If not, this living corpse will take a long time to expire. Optimism is cowardice. We are wanton optimists. Shame on us!

Taxation is Theft


This generation is truly and royally screwed. We are being robbed of the fruit of our own labor. Yet we do nothing. We deserve our lot. In the past, people were less forgiving of those who would deprive them of the product of their work. If they saw us accepting this level of taxation, they’d spit on us. We are pathetic.

You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy


The World is Irony. First, they tell you to get rich. Right?! Then, you do. It’s hard, takes everything you go, but you do it. Right?! Then, they tell you to stop being so goddamn materialistic. Crazy, right?! Right?! And when you ask why, they tell you it’s for the sake of the planet. But do not fret, they tell you. You just stop travelling, consuming, existing, and it’s all going to be good. Right?! If you believe that, you really deserve your fate.

On Free Will

If you believe in the No pain, no gain adage, then you must make a choice. Do you want to live a life free from pain? If so, you chose the yoke of Comfort. If you want to retain agency in your life, then you have chosen wisely. You chose Painful Freedom.