A Risky Proposition

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

One of the major risks I ever took was when I decided to just pack up and hit the Road towards the New World.

Things have panned out well.

Of course it took loads of hard work, hard fighting and hard riding.

But after some 18 years I must say I accomplished almost everything I set out to do.

But the risk was there all along.

The risk of failure. The risk that I would have to turn tail and head back whence I came.

But to what:

An ailing grandmother plagued by Alzheimer’s and senile dementia.

A broken mother I adored, and now that she’s no longer with us, miss and resent in equal parts because she decided to stay behind, forever sealing my fate and hers.

No. On second though, I don’t think I risked much by leaving.

The risk was for me to continue making money, which was true then back in the old country, and here now in the new, and believing that cash could make me a life in the old country.

Cash is never the only answer to one’s problems. It is necessary if one wants to have a decent existence. But not sufficient.

I do not regret taking the risk that I would fail when I boarded the plane that would bring me to a new land. Because in doing so I got a chance to meet my darling wife, who I adore. And that in turn allowed us to fulfill our common destiny and brought us a wonderful daughter, who I cherish and love.

In the year of our Lord 1519, Hernan Cortes, a Spaniard conquistador, entered the annals of History when he unilaterally decided to burn his ships down to make sure his men would press forward to glory… and riches, in the name of God and His Majesty the King of Spain.

He never regretted his actions. And let me tell you something. His motives and means of achieving his ends were far less moral than my own.

I did not regret my decision then and I don’t regret it now.

Why should I? I burned down my ships the moment I said my farewells to my family and friends.

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