On Corruption


People like their comforts. I get it. People enjoy technology. They think it helps them live better lives. False. Technology makes people needy. They need, nay, crave comfort. That’s where Government steps in. They provide the comfort People pay for. That’s how Government controls the People. They lose their Freedom. But, hey as long as they have wi-fi, it’s all good, right! That’s how Corruption works.

Tourism and Capitalism – The Case of Romania and Bulgaria

Funny thing just occurred to me while I was taking a course on PRINCE2, which is a Project Management matrix. The course is very interesting but also extremely dry. Think Gobi dessert or the Sahara and Kalahari combined - that dry. Yuck! Anyway, while I was taking notes on the seventh principle of PRINCE2, 'learning … Continue reading Tourism and Capitalism – The Case of Romania and Bulgaria